David Shaiken is scheduled to speak about Trial Practice Skills in the Bankruptcy Court at a seminar sponsored by the Fairfield County Bar Association on Monday, March 20, 2023, from Noon to 1:30 p.m. David will speak about preparation of direct examination of witnesses, heading off hearsay objections, organization of exhibits for trial, how to use a deposition transcript to impeach a witness’s credibility, and how to make a commercial case interesting. The conference is sponsored by the Bankruptcy Committee of the Fairfield County Bar Association. Those interested may register at https://fairfieldbar.org/product/a-bankruptcy-seminar-trial-practice-in-the-bankruptcy-court-03-20-2023/. Attendees will be eligible to receive 1.5 hours of Connecticut and New York continuing legal education credit. The cost is $35 for FCBA members and $40 for nonmembers. A special discount is available for legal administrators, paralegals, law students and law clerks.